Anaadi - Without a beginning

In a cyclical concept of time every starting point will have to be an ending point. If time is postulated as being linear and unidirectional there will have to be an absolute starting point for time. This cyclical nature of time as believed in Indian mythology refers to time as 'anaadi' or that without a beginning. So will be my BLOG.....

Religion - Faith and Follies

was chatting with my junior today on the net, and suddenly the topic of religion came up. We were talking about faith and the general practices that are followed and its significance.Most of us for a matter of fact, do not question the age old practices that is followed( Deiva kuttham aaidum). I have long and meaningful discussions with my dad on the religous practices that are followed and their significance.

I also have questioned on why it should be done in a certain way. This is the same topic that i had with my junior, actually thanks to her, that gave me the spark to write about this.

We generally follow any custom or practices, because it has been done so by our forefathers and hence follow. We dont know why it has to be done and also done in a certain way. We, the Generation X, dont follow our customs or rather dont bother to find out the significance of why we follow certain customs. The reasons being, one that we always blame time, no time, or we say it is a waste of time, or say i dont believe it. The underlying reason is i dont know why i am doing this so why should do this?
The age old customs and beliefs that are handed over generation after generation was always with a meaning. It was not just handed over without a meaning. All common customs and beliefs had a very profound meaning, which we dont know or dont bother to know.I sit my father, a religous man, when compared to me, and ask him questions, probing questions of why certain things have to be done and why?? Believe me, once you know the deep routed meaning of why we follow a custom, you will start following it, and follow it all your life sincerely.

Aacharam as it is called....loosely translated into rituals and routines. We are so used to this word, Aacharam - basically a way to lead life. These are followed blindly, but i would recommend, that we follow the rituals and customs based on thier merits available, and that too with self experience. It is our right and duty to understand scientifically, rationally and logically the meaning of each and every customs before we follow the same in our life.

Let us give you some of the common things that we follow, but without knowing the significance......

Lot of us do namaskaarams( prostrate) to elders and parents. Why do we do it?

We fall at the feet of parents, elders by touching their feet. The elders in turn bless us by placing their hand on or over our heads. We do namaskaarams when we meet elders and particularly on important occasions like the beginning of a new task, birthdays, festivals etc. In traditional brahmin circles, Namaskaaram is accompanied by abhivaadana, which serves to introduce one-self, announce one’s family and social stature.

when we do namaskaarm, it is a sign of respect for the age, maturity, nobility and divinity that our elders personify. It symbolizes our recognition of their selfless love for us and the sacrifices they have done for our welfare. It is a way of humbly acknowledging the greatness of another.
The good wishes and blessings of elders are highly valued in India. Good thoughts create positive vibrations. Good wishes springing from a heart full of love have a tremendous strength. It generates a lot of Positive vibration, which is transferred to us. The blessings of elders, which flow in the form of positive energy envelops us.

Let us look at another example,

Why do we ring the bell at temples or at home when we do pooja?

Is it to mark attendance to god that i prayed today?? no it is not,

if u hear carefully, the sounding of the bell, produces a sound, resembling OM, which is very auspicious. When we are in a temple, we are pure at heart, or try to be pure without any negative thoughts. Ringing this sound, reverberates inside every human, and reminds you think only of god and nothing else. This brings your mind to oneness with god.
Also we have heard in some places, when the AARATI is done, we hear the Conch and musical instruments being blown. This is to let people remind there is a supreme being above us.
It is also to drown any other sound that might disturb or distract the worship.
Another reason being, People who cannot not make it to a temple, are atleast reminded to stop whatever they were doing, at least for a few seconds, and mentally bow to the Lord.
This again gives us a lot of positive thoughts, and specially when we start the day, we visit the temples or or important occasions or important festivals, it helps to have a positive thoughts all day.

These two are just simple examples of some of the comon routines that we follow but dont know why we do this? Atleast in my case, it was not known and this helped to understand my religion better and the customs that made my life more meaningful.

Hope it helps others as well,

ओम शांति, शांति, शांति ओम।


Anu Nandu said...

Ok. Where should I start?

I agree with your viewpoints completely - I love to take any positive energy that comes my way - I believe very much in getting aashirvadam from elders especially from parents. I haven't seen god but believe our parents are his substitutes. His proxies - that's why we were even born! I do believe that one has to respect, love and take care of parents no matter how challenging it can get in some cases! (Ive seen difficult parents - not mine but have seen)

I did not know the meaning of ringing the bell in the temple - now I do and will remember it forever.

I also believe that some customs and beliefs followed in the olden days are no longer valid today - just because of the improvement in the way of life or technology or methods. For eg, in the original brahmin ideology - a brahmanan should not cross the seven seas and travel anywhere. But, today they are everywhere - the rule got changed for convenience sake as more and more brahmin kids settled abroad and their parents had to travel to meet them.

Another eg - this happened recently at our house - we had the devasam of my husband's thatha - my inlaws did it at the temple here - since it is customary that after the devasam, a couple of brahmanan's should eat the special devasa - sappadu, they requested the pujari. One of them was ready to eat - the other one was not. He told us to get all the provisions for cooking including veggies, daals, salt, sugar etc. Makes me wonder what is being accomplished here.

I don;t want to sound brash or arrogant when I say this - but I'm just trying to think logically. One of the main things that annoy me or irritates me is when people commit all types of atrocities - and then go to the temple, put money in the hundi and pray and that somehow erases their slates! You see what I mean - and also till date, I can't believe that you can find your way in quickly in big temples like Tirupathi by bribing the security or the pujaris! I mean - if you are in such a hurry that you are ready to pay money to go visit the God fast, so that you can get over it and then go do your work, where is all the bhakthi? What's the hurry? How can money be an answer to showing devotion. The same people who can give hundreds of rupees inside to see God will frown outside when a small boy is trying to sell toys or books and trying to make a buck or too. He is starved and needs the money. But, sadly - he has to face the harsh reality. God does not ask for money - he is the one who gives us all we have. I would rather feed 10 children a square meal than throw my money in the hundi - I think we get more in punyam points by doing this.

Also, you have not covered this - but I'm hoping you'll do a new topic - beliefs in superstition - I think this is a just a bunch of crap - I think most of these were created to instill a sense of fear in kids. For eg - cat crossing your path, salt spilling in the kitchen etc. And the added misfortunes that will occur if anything of this sort happens. In the US, I see people who have never heard of these things - does it bother them - no. How come it can bother us - Aren't we all the same human breed made with flesh and blood. Some of these even change between North and South India. And the thing about salt spilling in the kitchen - this is considered bad in south india - but in Italy, this is a sign of good luck - they throw salt over the shoulders for good luck when cooking! So, which is true?

Anyways - enough of my ranting.

Keep the wonderful articles coming!

Anu Nandu said...

that should be a buck or two in the 5th paragraph! Sorry - typing too fast.